
£27.56 /Month


£41.60 /Month

1-3 Employees


£72.80 /Month 

4-10 Employees


£180.00 /Month

11+ Employees

Please note all these prices above include 20% VAT

Please make sure you meet the following requirements before continuing. 

  • The running of a business involved in any aspect of the legitimate, UK, sporting, recreational and professional gun trade.
  • The provision of two sponsors (current, fully paid-up “Full”, members of the GTA) who have personal knowledge of the applicant, and their business, and are prepared to vouch for them in writing.  If you don't have such contacts, speak to the Team who will be able to help.
  • Full completion of the Application form and provision of sufficient additional information about the business, and premises, to allow the GTA Council to make a decision based on the facts supplied.
  • Agreement to abide by the GTA Code of Practice.
  • The provision of a copy of a valid RFD certificate (if applicable), at the time of application.
  • The provision of proof of Public & Product Liability insurance cover.
  • The payment of subscriptions, and any other monies, within the term laid down.

The Gun Trade Association Ltd. is registered in England and Wales under company number 0125465 at Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Woking GU24 0PB.
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