
£27.56 /Month


£41.60 /Month

1-3 Employees


£72.80 /Month

4-10 Employees


£180.00 /Month

11+ Employees

Please note all these prices above include 20% VAT

Please make sure you meet the following requirements before continuing. If you do not meet these requirements please go back and choose a different level of membership.

  • The running of, or intention to run, a business involved in any aspect of the legitimate, UK, sporting, recreational and professional gun trade.
  • To have run such a business for less than one year.
  • Full completion of the application form and provision of sufficient additional information about the business and premises to allow the council to make a decision on the facts supplied.
  • Agreement to abide by the GTA Code of Practice.
  • Agreement to provide by the end of the first year of joining, two sponsors (currently fully paid-up “Full” Members of the GTA), who have personal knowledge of the applicant, and their business, and are prepared to vouch for them in writing.
  • Agreement to pay subscription and any other monies due, at the current rate.
  • Subscriptions to be paid by Direct Debit for a period of two years
  • Agreement that they are not permitted to use either the GTA Logo on their Premises, letterheads or other published materials until such time as they become “Full Members”
  • The provision of proof of Public & Product Liability insurance cover.

The Gun Trade Association Ltd. is registered in England and Wales under company number 0125465 at Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Woking GU24 0PB.
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